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Biden’s handout to the affluent

Thumbnail : Biden’s handout to the affluent

The president’s cancellation of student-loan debt is a bribe to his professional-class base.

Read my Spiked article in full here.

Joe Biden’s climate bill is gaslighting the nation

Thumbnail : Joe Biden’s climate bill is gaslighting the nation

The green-tinged “Inflation Reduction Act” won’t cut prices or carbon emissions.

Read my Spiked article in full here.

Joe Biden has betrayed blue-collar America

Thumbnail : Joe Biden has betrayed blue-collar America

His policies have fuelled inflation and pummelled working-class people.

Read my Spiked article in full here.

Joe Biden: the world’s most dangerous trans activist

Thumbnail : Joe Biden: the world’s most dangerous trans activist

The US president is using the full force of the state to promote this divisive and damaging ideology.

Read my Spiked article in full here.

These January 6 hearings are a farce

Thumbnail : These January 6 hearings are a farce

The Democrats’ attempt to portray the Capitol riot as an “insurrection” looks increasingly desperate.

Read my Spiked article in full here.

Parents are still being treated like terrorists

Thumbnail : Parents are still being treated like terrorists

The US educational establishment is waging a vicious culture war against families.

Read my Spiked article in full here.

Joe Biden is in denial

Thumbnail : Joe Biden is in denial

Americans have lost faith in his leadership. But he shows no desire to win them back.

Read my Spiked article in full here.

The propaganda war on the Canadian truckers

Thumbnail : The propaganda war on the Canadian truckers

The US media are shamefully smearing the “Freedom Convoy” as a far-right menace.

Read my Spiked article in full here.

Loudoun County and the cruelty of trans ideology

Thumbnail : Loudoun County and the cruelty of trans ideology

A girl was sexually assaulted at school, in the girls’ bathroom, by a boy in a skirt. The school covered it up.

Read my Spiked article in full here.

The fightback against critical race theory

Thumbnail : The fightback against critical race theory

American parents have had enough of this divisive ideology being imposed on their kids.

Read my Spiked article in full here.

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