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The legacy of the Pentagon Papers

Thumbnail : The legacy of the Pentagon Papers

They struck an important blow for press freedom, but have also shaped today’s conspiratorial mindset.

Read my Spiked article in full here.

Flying the flag for woke imperialism

Thumbnail : Flying the flag for woke imperialism

The Biden administration is committed to exporting Pride and Black Lives Matter.

Read my Spiked article in full here.

Biden’s exploitation of the Tulsa tragedy

Thumbnail : Biden’s exploitation of the Tulsa tragedy

The President used the anniversary of this vile racist massacre to score petty political points.

Read my Spiked article in full here.

“Equity” is just racial discrimination by another name

Thumbnail : “Equity” is just racial discrimination by another name

In Biden’s America, treating people differently based on the color of their skin is back on the agenda.

Read my Spiked article in full here.

America’s elites are fuelling vaccine hesitancy

Thumbnail : America’s elites are fuelling vaccine hesitancy

Their refusal to open up society has led many to conclude that vaccination is pointless.

Read my Spiked article in full here.

Tim Scott and the progressive bigots

Thumbnail : Tim Scott and the progressive bigots

For saying ‘America is not a racist country’, Scott has been branded an Uncle Tom.

Read my Spiked article in full here.

Amy Chua takes on cancel culture

Thumbnail : Amy Chua takes on cancel culture

Yale tried to humiliate Chua, but she wasn’t having it.

Read my Spiked article in full here.

After the Floyd verdict: the US is not a racist dystopia

Thumbnail : After the Floyd verdict: the US is not a racist dystopia

George Floyd’s killing united America in outrage. But some want to use it to keep us permanently divided.

Read my Spiked article in full here.

Woke capitalism is a menace to democracy

Thumbnail : Woke capitalism is a menace to democracy

Big businesses are aggressively interfering in politics – and liberals are egging them on.

Read my Spiked article in full here.

The Texas Neanderthals were right

Thumbnail : The Texas Neanderthals were right

Texas ditched the mask mandate and opened up – and it’s all fine.

Read my Spiked article in full here.

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