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In defense of the dot-com bubble, ten years on

It has been ten years since the dot-com bubble burst. On March 10, 2000 the tech-dominated Nasdaq index peaked at 5048.62. Today it closed at less than half that level, at 2358.95.

Many now see the end of the tech boom as the beginning of the most recent financial crisis. On the Opinion page of the Wall Street ...

Wanted: top Illinois Democrat, no experience preferred

Democratic Party politics in Illinois – President Obama’s adopted home state – is in a bad way. 

Last year governor Rod Blagojevich was ousted in a scandal, and last month the party’s nominee for lieutentant governor (the number two role) resigned due to allegations of domestic assault, unpaid child support and steroids ...

“Some bullshit happening somewhere”

Breaking News: Some Bullshit Happening Somewhere

The real scandal is this obsession with scandal

Thumbnail : The real scandal is this obsession with scandal

As Republicans and Democrats squabble over who is most corrupt, the American people become more cynical about the entire political class.

Read my spiked article in full here.

Piling on regulation

In an essay last year, I speculated that “today there is a possibility that the Obama regime’s call for ‘more regulation’ will just pile on to the substantial [non-financial] regulation that already exists”. Well, it seems there is an attempt to do just that.

The Financial Times reports ...

Samuel Barber centennial


(Video: Barber String Quartet, No 1, in b minor, Op11, mvt 2-3)

Today, March 9th, marks 100 years since the birth of Samuel Barber, the great American composer.

Barber’s most ...

Who says China isn’t innovative?

Writing in Fortune, Michael Elliott questions China’s record of innovation to date: “Sure, China can grow, but can its companies innovate? Can they build products that will compete in the global marketplace?”

Elliott seems to suggest that, if growth does not come from private companies, it doesn’t count as innovation:

Venture capitalists ...

Education: society doesn’t affirm adult authority

Last week I posted about the Obama administration’s support for closing schools, and Diane Ravitch’s response. Elizabeth Green’s feature in Sunday’s New York Times Magazine, “Building a better teacher,” certainly provided a helpful corrective to the Bush and Obama top-down approaches, as it highlighted how much depends on the skills ...

Big Love and Mad Men: is America free-floating with anxiety?

While most of the country was watching the Oscars, HBO was airing the finale of Season 4 of Big Love, its drama about a polygamous family in Utah.

Big Love has been one of the best dramas on TV these past few months. It is interesting how its focus on a non-mainstream family ...

Obama to NASA: don’t boldly go

At the end of January, President Obama announced a major change to NASA’s space program when he put forward his budget request to congress. This week congressmen from both parties criticized the White House plans, and took it out on NASA chief Charles Bolden, who appeared before House ...

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