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Archive for the ‘Politics’ Category

America’s dysfunctional political class shuts down government

After the US Congress and the White House were unable to reach agreement over the budget and keep government finances flowing, a “shutdown” was introduced this morning. Some 800,000 federal workers will be furloughed, and more than a million other employees will work without pay. Although the dispute could be resolved any day, many observers […]

Obama turns to congress to try to salvage his Syria folly

President Obama’s supporters praised his announcement on Saturday that he would seek congressional approval for an attack on Syria. Some commentators referred to it as a historic departure from previous practice. Journalist Walter Shapiro wrote:  “The president’s decision to go to Congress represents an historic turning point. It may well be the most important presidential […]

Obama’s unserious approach to Syria threatens deadly consequences

Has there ever been a military action so telegraphed in advance as the US threats to bomb Syria? According to un-named  US “senior officials” speaking to the New York Times (and seemingly every other news outlet), we know that the action will be “limited”, “perhaps lasting no more than one or two days”. The attacks […]

Big, bad America, slayed by a communique

Thumbnail : Big, bad America, slayed by a communique

Why’s no one talking about the fact-lite, frenzied shutting of US embassies? Read my spiked article in full here.

Who’s really promoting prejudice?

Thumbnail : Who’s really promoting prejudice?

The pro-Trayvon campaign shows how illiberal “anti-racism” has become. Read my spiked article in full here.

Gay marriage’s echoes of the Cultural Revolution

Thumbnail : Gay marriage’s echoes of the Cultural Revolution

Politicians publicly renouncing their former beliefs, the youth raging against the elderly… the SSM campaign has eerie echoes of history. Read my spiked article in full here.

Obama’s war on press freedom

Recent Department of Justice (DOJ) actions against two media organizations show that the Obama administration is willing to trample over press freedom and the First Amendment rights of journalists. These are serious attacks on the media to investigate freely, and for us to read what we want about the government. They go well beyond where […]

Oklahoma: a swirling storm of anti-human prejudice

Thumbnail : Oklahoma: a swirling storm of anti-human prejudice

As people in Oklahoma heroically dealt with their tornado disaster, observers were busy pinning the blame for it on greedy mankind. Read my spiked article in full here.

America declares war on two losers

Thumbnail : America declares war on two losers

Why did the most powerful military nation on Earth freak out over a 19-year-old idiot in a backward baseball cap? Read my spiked article in full here.

Scourge of the elites

Thumbnail : Scourge of the elites

Christopher Lasch was a fearless iconoclast who defied left and right labels. Love him or loathe him, you need to grapple with his ideas if you want to understand today’s big political and moral debates. Read my review of Eric Miller’s Hope in a Scattering Time: A Life of Christopher Lasch, published in the spiked […]

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