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Recent articles of note

"Why the Ukraine crisis is the West's fault: The liberal delusions that provoked Putin," Foreign Affairs, by John Mearsheimer

"America's dangerous aversion to conflict," Wall Street Journal, by Robert Kagan

"It's still not the end of history," The Atlantic, by Timothy Stanley and Alexander Lee

"Peter Thiel disagrees with you," Fortune, by Roger Parloff

"Why some Americans are more equal than others," The Daily Beast, by Jedediah Purdy

"'I've been a pariah for so long,'" Politico, by Peg Tyre [Profile of E.D. Hirsch]

"The trouble with Harvard," New Republic, by Steven Pinker

"The College Board distorts US history," Minding the Campus, by K.C. Johnson

"Why walking helps us think," The New Yorker, by Ferris Jabr

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