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2011’s best articles

Here are my top 10 articles for the year (in alphabetical order by the author's last name):

"Politics' fatal therapeutic turn," Dissent, by Zelda Bronstein

"Condemned to joy: the Western cult of happiness is a mirthless enterprise," City Journal, by Pascal Bruckner

"Health now: a provocation," The Chronicle of Higher Education, by Mark Edmundson

"The rise of the new global elite," The Atlantic, by Chrystia Freeland

"The forever city," Wall Street Journal, by Robert Hughes

"Beyond the welfare state," National Affairs, by Yuval Levin

"Rethinking the idea of 'Christian Europe'," Pandaemonium, by Kenan Malik

"American tinderbox," The American Interest, by Walter Russell Mead

"Books as bombs: why the women's movement needed The Feminine Mystique," The New Yorker, by Louis Menand

"The end of the future," National Review, by Peter Thiel

And, as a bonus:

"How to make a decent cup of tea," Slate, by Christopher Hitchens

As I did for last year's "best" list, I've deliberately excluded my fellow spiked contributors. My congratulations to Brendan O'Neill and the spiked editorial team for producing the liveliest, must-read publication out there.

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