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In defence of science and progress

In this TED talk video clip, Michael Specter, a New Yorker journalist who writes about health and ...

Family is becoming “more important” in America

Writing in Forbes, Joel Kotkin argues that the American family, despite claims of its decline, “is becoming not less but more important”.

Some facts that Kotkin marshals to establish his case:

“80 percent of Americans eventually get married, often after cohabitation” “Since 1982 the number of those over 35 who give birth have more ...

Bacevich: “Osama is not Hitler,” use police not military

Bill Moyers has a very interesting interview with Andrew Bacevich, a professor of international relations at Boston University and a former US Army colonel (watch video here).

Here is Bacevich’s perspective on Osama bin-Laden and the war on terror:

BILL MOYERS: In this context, then, what do we do about what ...

Obama’s NASA plan: an “elaborate wake” for human spaceflight

Last month, President Obama announced proposals for restructuring the NASA space program, and a key plank of his new approach was to rely much more on commercial companies.

As I noted earlier, this sounds more like the outsourcing of leadership. And as an article in today’s New York Times today finds, it turns out ...

Play ball!: baseball season begins

Thumbnail : Play ball!: baseball season begins

Nothing says “spring is here” like the start of the baseball season. And this past weekend marked the beginning of Little League baseball in our town, like thousands across the country. 

Major League Baseball inaugurated its ...

This week’s articles of note

“Time to rebalance: special report on America’s economy,” The Economist, by Greg Ip

“Building a green economy,” New York Times Magazine, by Paul Krugman

“Up from slavery,” Reason, by David Boaz

“Making the rest of the world crazy,” (Review of Crazy Like Us: The Globalization of the American Psyche, ...

Democratic Party image at historic low

After the health bill passed last month, the President Obama and the Democratic congress appeared to be on the rebound. Celebrations among Democrats suggested a new confidence, and Obama was said to have a new spring in his step. But as I noted earlier (here), these celebrations seemed inconsistent with the ...

Obama’s changes to nuclear policy aren’t epochal

Peter Feaver, a professor of political science at Duke and a former National Security Council member under presidents Bill Clinton and George W. Bush, presents a careful analysis of President Obama’s new policy on the use of nuclear weapons, known as the Nuclear Posture Review, in today’s New York ...

The Chinese are coming! (maybe)

Thumbnail : The Chinese are coming! (maybe)

A couple of articles this week indicate that the Chinese economic presence in the US may be increasing in the near future.

First, an article in Tuesday’s Wall Street Journal reported that “Chinese companies are increasingly looking to invest in the US, and state and local governments are scrambling to ...

The return of the consumer

“American consumers are finally coming out of hiding,” reports the New York Times today. Retail sales are up, and people are now spending on items other than food and medicine, such as clothes, jewelry and cars.

Greater consumer spending is another sign – along with increasing employment and higher factory ...

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